Netflix has picked up “Social Distance,” a new anthology series from “Orange is the New Black” production team. The show, produced remotely, will focus on the “new, bizarre, bewildering reality we are all experiencing” in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the producers said in a statement.
“We feel passionate about finding connection as we all remain at a distance,” they wrote in a press release. “We’ve been inspired to create an anthology series that tells stories about the current moment we are living through — the unique, personal, deeply human stories that illustrate how we are living apart, together. We are challenging ourselves to do something new: To create and produce virtually so that our cast and crew can stay healthy and safe.”
Per the producers, director Diego Velasco will helm remotely; showrunner Hilary Weisman Graham runs production from her living room; and the cast will film themselves at home.
Graham, Jenji Kohan, Tara Herrmann, and Blake McCormick will serve as executive producers.
“The experience of social distancing is currently universal, but no individual story is the same. Through a broad spectrum of tales and moments, some seismic and some mundane, we hope to capture a moment in time. And we hope that Social Distance will help people feel closer to one another,” they added in the statement.
Beyond that, Tuesday’s announcement was light on details — including when the show might appear, how many episodes, and what talent has been lined up.
[Photo: “Orange is the New Black” creator Jenji Kohan.]