DreamWorks Animation has launched development on the adventure-fantasy “Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles” as a movie with Irish director Fergal Reilly signed to direct as part of an overall deal with the studio.
Tom Lennon’s “Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles” was a New York Times bestseller that was published last year and is a high-adventure fantasy tale set in a magical world of law-breaking leprechauns and deadly monsters. It was followed by “Ronan Boyle and the Swamp of Certain Death.”
Lennon will write the movie script based on his book series, which reinvents Irish mythological tropes seen through the eyes of awkward Irish teen Ronan Boyle who lives in the long shadow of his famous parents. When Ronan’s parents are wrongly accused of the theft of a national treasure and sent to jail, Ronan sets out to prove their innocence and face leprechauns, undead goblins and many other legendary creatures of Celtic lore.
Reilly directed Sony’s “The Angry Birds Movie,” which grossed more than $352 million in worldwide box office. He is also attached to direct “Pete and Goat,” written by Mike Vukadinovich, which is set up at AGC Studios with Allegiance Theatre producing. Reilly broke into the entertainment business as a story artist on animated and live action movies for Disney, Sony and Warner Brothers including “Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs,” “The Iron Giant” and Sam Raimi’s “Spiderman 2.”
Reilly is represented by Verve and Fourth Wall Management and was repped in the deal by attorney Shep Rosenman.