Dr. Martens has announced the lineup for the next installment of its Dr. Martens Presents: Music & Film Series, curated by L.A.-based filmmaker Ali Roberto and New York-based filmmaker Gabriel Gomez.
Lauren Ruth Ward (pictured above), the Regrettes, Sunflower Bean, Cautious Clay, Tolliver, Blimes and Gab, duendita, Frankie & the Witch Fingers, NEZ, Orion Sun, Rosehardt and Stuyedeyed have all been confirmed for the series, being presented in partnership with Collide Agency.
The Dr. Martens Presents: Music & Film Series will showcase the ways that artists on each coast are navigating this challenging year where musicians and artists have seen their livelihoods come to a halt.
Kevin Diehl, VP of Americas marketing at Dr. Martens, says that the goal when the series kicked off in 2019 was to present “stories of artists that no matter how many obstacles life throws in their way they wouldn’t stop working to achieve their goals. These stories were important then and even more so now as we navigate a new reality. For the next six months we’ll be working with two new filmmakers in NYC and L.A. to document how important now, more than ever, musicians and artists need resilience to continue in this ever-changing and challenging landscape. A global pandemic may be able to impact our ability to gather together to experience live music, but as you’ll witness in the series of films, it cannot keep us from finding creative ways to keep doing the things we love and bringing joy to others.”
“Music saved me,” says Ali Roberto. “Sure, I know there are a lot of people out there who say this, but I truly mean it. We’re facing a difficult and unprecedented time — for literally all of us — it makes sense that we’d turn to music for solace and collective experience. The hardest thing of all is to feel disconnected. I want to bring music back to people and create a platform for up and coming artists to be seen by weaving together a live performance with storytelling.”
“I’m so lucky to be able to tell stories for a living,” says Gabriel Gomez. “I’m incredibly honored & grateful to partner with Dr. Martens and be given the opportunity to tell my own, while simultaneously featuring such talented, powerful, diverse artists in my city. I‘m nothing without my community, my friends, my people — this series features some of the many artists in my world that inspire me every day.”
Adds Ward, “As a very hands-on artist, I take collaborations to heart. I feel fortunate to of had such opportunities to speak my mind and connect with others. This all came to a halt in March. This partnership not only lifted me up by reconnecting me with my purpose, but also reminded me the beauty of community. One I will not take for granted ever again.”
Watch the videos below:
Gabriel Gomez
Ali Roberto
Lauren Ruth Ward
Listen to the Dr. Martens Presents: curated playlist