A new Netflix Italian original series titled “Fedeltà,” which translates as “Faithfulness,” has begun shooting in Milan. The relationship drama follows a couple in their thirties contending with the consequences of presumed betrayals.
The six-episode show is based on a bestseller by author Marco Missiroli, who won Italy’s top literary prize, the Premio Strega, in 2019. That year it was optioned by Netflix who then took the project to veteran Italian producer Angelo Barbagallo who is producing via his BiBi Film shingle.
Barbagallo recruited a writing team comprising rising star writer-director Elisa Amoruso (“Chiara Ferragni Unposted”), Alessandro Fabbri (“The Trial”) and Laura Colella. Matilde Barbagallo is executive producing
Netflix in a statement announced that rising Italian talents Lucrezia Guidone (“Doc – in Your Hands”) and Michele Riondino (“The Young Montalbano”) are playing the leads (see first-look image) in this tale of a middle-class couple whose amorous bond grows strained when they begin desiring other people.
The skein is being directed by Andrea Molaioli who helmed Netflix’s “Suburra,” about corruption in contemporary Rome, and Stefano Cipani, whose feature film “My Brother Chases Dinosaurs” is a recent local standout.
Though it originated before she came on board, “Fedeltà” will be among the first Netflix shows brought to set by Eleonora Andreatta, Netflix’s VP of Italian Original series, who in June left state broadcaster RAI, where she was head of drama, to join the streaming giant.
Netflix is planning to drop “Fedeltà,” which will shoot in Milan, Rome and Rimini, at the end of 2021.