“Josep,” a single-camera sitcom based on the life of a hardworking Filipino American nurse, is in development at ABC. Stand-up comedian Jo Koy is attached to star as the titular protagonist and will also executive produce. The show, which follows Josep as he navigates dating, fatherhood and his mother moving in with him, is written and executive produced by showrunner Steve Joe.
The half-hour comedy, which hails from 20th Television, is also written and executive produced by Michael Golamco and Randall Park for their production banner Imminent Collision, along with executive producer Hieu Ho. Joe Meloche is executive producing as well as Jake Kasdan and Melvin Mar for Kasdan’s production company The Detective Agency.
Koy, who won the “Stand-Up Comedian of the Year” award at the 2018 Just for Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal, is currently in production for Amblin Partners and Dan Lin’s Ridback comedy film “Easter Sunday,” which is based on Koy’s life experiences.
Park most recently directed on the upcoming series “Doogie Kameāloha, M.D.” for Disney Plus and starred as agent Jimmy Woo in “WandaVision.” Golamco is currently writing the pilot for “Secret Guide to Celestial Creatures” for Disney Plus. Joe is currently a co-executive producer on “Doogie Kameāloha, M.D.” and is a consulting producer on “Turner & Hooch” for Disney Plus.
Koy is repped by Arsonhouse Entertainment, CAA and Hirsch Wallerstein Hayum Matlof + Fishman. Joe is managed by Dennis Kim and A.B. Fischer of Literate. His lawyer is Ken Richman. Imminent Collision, which is dedicated to creating distinct, universal and comedy-forward stories about Asian Americans for all audiences, is repped by UTA and Myman Greenspan. Park is additionally managed by Artists First and Golamco by Manage-ment.