“Supernatural,” the hit CW drama series starring Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, is getting a spinoff. The network has given a script commitment to “The Winchesters,” a prequel that will focus on Sam and Dean Winchester’s parents, John and Mary. The one-hour drama will be produced by Chaos Machine Productions, the production banner of Jensen and his wife Danneel Ackles, through their overall deal with Warner Bros. Television.
Per the logline, the new show will be told from the perspective of the narrator, Dean— and Ackles will be reprising his role. It’s described as the epic, untold love story of how the Winchester couple met and how they put it all on the line to not only save their love, but the entire world.
“The Winchesters” is executive produced and written by Robbie Thompson, who formerly co-executive produced the original source material. Executive producing alongside Thompson are the Ackles couple.
More to come.