“Jane,” a feature film from startup studio Creator Plus, has halted production after two COVID cases on set in New Mexico.
The film stars Madelaine Petsch (“Riverdale”), who is also a producer. None of the cast has tested positive, according to the company. The shutdown is expected to last for six days.
In a statement, Creator Plus said that the cases were detected “while adhering to strict safety daily testing protocols.”
“As a result, we immediately implemented a six-day shutdown, which started yesterday (as a half day) from the initial case we received,” the company said in a statement on Wednesday. “All lead actors are continuing to test negative despite exposure. We’re working closely with our SAG representatives, the CDC and the All Together New Mexico ‘COVID Safe Practices for Individuals and Employers’ while upholding SAG’s Return to Work agreement.”
Sabrina Jaglom is directing the film, which marks her feature debut. The cast includes Melissa Leo, Chloe Bailey, Kerri Medders, Ian Owens and Nina Bloomgarden. The film is billed as a psychological thriller that deals with issues of mental health and social media anxiety. Petsch stars as a high school student who suffers a series of panic attacks.
Creator Plus announced in April that it had raised $12 million and was set to launch a studio and a streaming platform built around digital content creators.
The entertainment unions recently agreed to modify the Return to Work protocols that have governed film production since last fall. The new provisions allow productions to mandate vaccines for actors and others who work on set or are in close contact with on-set workers.
As the delta variant has caused cases to rise around the country, a number of productions have been affected. “Woke,” a Hulu comedy filming in Atlanta, had to shut down three times after a series of COVID cases on set.