“Catch the Fair One,” a critically acclaimed thriller from Josef Kubota Wladyka (“Narcos”) starring real-life professional boxer Kali “K.O.” Reis, has been sold to major markets by Paris-based Memento International (“Call Me By Your Name”).
“Catch the Fair One” opened at Tribeca Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award and a Special Jury mention for Reis’ performance.
Memento has sold “Catch the Fair One” to France (ACE entertainment), U.K., Ireland, Australia and New Zealand (Vertigo Releasing), Scandinavia and Baltics (Nonstop Entertainment), Israel (Lev Cinemas), Russia+CIS (Russian World Vision), Eastern Europe (HBO Europe), India (Indo Overseas Films), Indonesia (PT Falcon) and the Middle East (Front Row).
IFC Films will release “Catch the Fair One” in the U.S. on Feb. 11.
“Catch the Fair One” follows Kaylee “K.O.” Uppashaw (Reis), a former boxer, as she discovers that her missing sister is possibly alive and circulating in a trafficking network. She plugs herself into this dark and dangerous world to find her, which tests her strength and determination.
The film marks the acting debut of Reis, the first Native American woman to win a major world title (the IBA Middleweight Crown). She is the current WBA Super Lightweight World Champion and fought in the first televised women’s bout on HBO. Kali, who has Cherokee, Nipmuc and Seaconke Wampanoag ancestry, as well as lineage from the Cape Verde Islands, is a fierce advocate for her Native communities and has also been mentoring at-risk youth.
“Catch the Fair One” also stars Daniel Henshall, Tiffany Chu, Michael Drayer, Shelito Vincent, Lisa Emery, Kimberly Guerrero and Kevin Dunn.
Producers are recent Academy Award winner Mollye Asher (“Nomadland”) at The Population, Kimberly Parker (“The Last Black Man in San Francisco”), and Wladyka, with Darren Aronofsky (“The Wrestler”) executive producing alongside Mynette Louie, Derek Nguyen, Ari Handel, Cat Hobbs, James Hausler, Charles Stiefel, Todd Stiefel, Michael D’Alto, Chris Triana, Claude Amadeo, Shaun Sanghani, Sam Bisbee, and Arturo Castro.