“Futurama” just won’t quit. The adult animated comedy has already aired four would-be finales in a staggered run that’s spanned three decades, and it’s still not over: The series has been revived again at Hulu, with another batch of new episodes slated to drop in 2023. Hooray for Zoidberg!
So what keeps “Futurama” fans coming back for more? From Professor Farnsworth’s off-the-wall one-liners to Bender’s cutting, heartless wit, the series combines the best elements of a workplace comedy and a time-traveling sci-fi epic in an animated format where the sky’s the limit (or the galaxy’s the limit — you catch my drift).
In the 140 episodes that aired from 1999 to 2013, the Planet Express crew embarks on hijinks ranging from the absurdly funny to the devastatingly emotional. So crack open a can of Slurm and read on for the 10 best episodes (so far) of “Futurama.”
Honorable Mentions: “Fry and the Slurm Factory,” “The Why of Fry,” “Three Hundred Big Boys,” “A Head In The Polls,” “Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love?”