“Inu-Oh,” the acclaimed Japanese animation that debuted in Venice and Toronto last year, has been sold widely by Fortissimo Films and Asmik Ace.
Amsterdam and Beijing based Fortissimo is collaborating with Tokyo-based Asmik Ace on two titles, “Inu-oh” by Yuasa Masaaki and “Missing” by Katayama Shinzo, a former assistant director to “Parasite” director Bong Joon Ho on “Mother.”
Rock musical animation “Inu-Oh” was licensed to Sun Distribution for Latin America, to Rapid Eye for Germany, Front Row in the Middle East and Cinemaran in Spain. Asmik Ace handles Asian territories, North America, France, U.K. and Benelux. The theatrical release in Japan will be early Summer, followed by all other territories.
“Missing,” which premiered in Busan’s New Currents section, has sold to Dark Star Pictures for North America. It will have a limited theatrical release and festival screenings before being released in other windows. With Asian sales handled by Asmik Ace and other territories by Fortissimo, multiple other discussions are under way.
Encore Inflight has acquired airline rights to “Hot Soup,” which had its world premiere in Warsaw 2020 and is set to release theatrically in China soon. Directed by Zhang Ming, the picture focusses on four young, modern women in contemporary Shanghai who are pursuing personal happiness.
Fortissimo’s Amsterdam GM Gabrielle Rozing are attending this year’s online version of Hong Kong FilMart and will be continuing negotiations on these titles and “We Might as Well Be Dead,” which it launched in Berlin. There it was the opening film of the Perspective Deutsches Kino section.