Pixar’s “Turning Red,” now streaming on Disney Plus, is the story of Meilin “Mei” Lee, a 13-year-old who adores the biggest boy band on the planet, 4*Town. She is amazed to wake up one morning and find herself transformed into a giant red panda each time she gets excited or stressed.
Speaking with Variety, director Domee Shi teased that the animated feature, in true Pixar style, is filled with Easter eggs galore, from teasers of the upcoming “Lightyear” to homages to Toronto’s cityscape, with a lot of pandas woven into the set pieces. Below are all the hidden nods you might have missed.
In its movies, Pixar loves adding a hidden nod to its next feature, and “Turning Red” does not disappoint. Spot the “Lightyear” sticker on Miriam’s skateboard. Released in June, “Lightyear” will tell Buzz’s origin story.
As Mei hides under her bed sketching and her mom knocks at her door, Mei jumps on her bed, but her journal peeks out from under her bed. Clock the “Burrow” sticker on the cover, a nod to 2020’s animated short by director Madeline Sharafian.
“Finding Nemo”
Blink and you’ll miss the “Finding Nemo” sticker on one of the bathroom stall doors, seen in the background as Mei and her best friends come together and concoct a plan to see 4*Town in concert.
Pixar Ball
During Devon’s birthday bash, as Mei and her best friends observe the scene from the rooftop, the Pixar ball is seen floating in the swimming pool.
As Mei transforms into Red Panda Mei at school and desperately runs home, there’s a “Coco” easter egg hidden in the colorful tissue paper art, known as papel picado, as she bumps into a couple strolling down the street.
Planet Pizza Truck
As Red Panda Mei bolts through the city to Toronto’s Skydome to see 4*Town in concert, she dashes past “Toy Story’s” famous Pizza Planet truck, which is parked on the street.
Mei’s best friend, Priya, is introduced reading “Nightfall.” Look closely at the cover, and it’s reminiscent of the “Twilight” covers. A nod to the Cullen family vampires?
The A113 is another Pixar Easter egg featured in every film. It’s a reference to the classroom number for character animation students at California Institute of the Arts.
A113 can be seen in the Skydome scene where Mei confronts her mother’s red panda. It also appears as a seat number on a concert ticket to 4*Town.