“Helsinki Crimes,” ITV Studios Finland’s contemporary Finnish detective series, has been sold to Australia’s SBS On Demand, AMC Networks International’s SundanceTV channel in Spain and Walter Presents in Ireland and the U.K.
Oble, the Paris-based production and distribution company, co-produced and is repping “Helsinki Crimes” in international markets.
The series, which is based on the bestselling novels of award-winning Finnish writer Matti Yrjänä Joensuu, follows the journey of a renowned detective, Timo Harjunpaa, as he investigates a wave of serious crimes in present-day Helsinki, in the height of summer.
The eight-part glossy crime series, which has been modernized by ITV Studios Finland, has been a hit since it premiered on C More’s streaming service in February. Olli Rahkonen (“Olli Mäki”) stars as detective Timo Harjunpaa and Olga Temonen plays his partner Onerva Nykanen.
“’Helsinki Crimes’ is not your traditional police procedural. Harri Virtanen’s interpretation of Joensuu’s novels have delivered an original, fresh detective series, both in terms of characters and setting, which has received a fantastic reception from viewers and critics alike since its premiere,” said Pete Paavolainen, CEO of ITV Studios Finland.
“Oble has an excellent track record introducing premium drama to global audiences and has again hit the ground running, taking Harjunpaa and his team to English, Australian and Spanish viewers,” Paavolainen continued.
Oble’s co-founder Ekaterina Sol said “Helsinki Crimes” is that “rare gem of a first series.” “ITV Studios Finland has brilliantly updated a much-loved literary character to deliver a stylish, original take on the well-trodden path of episodic police and crime series,” continued Sol.
The show was produced by Maria Kangas and Pete Paavolainen at ITV Studios Finland and was commissioned by the broadcaster MTV3 and streamer CMore.