Lima-based Apus Animation Studio has pacted with Spanish and Brazilian shingles to co-produce its projects, among them TV series “Chek & Chan” with Valencia-based Hampa Animation Studio and Apus’ first animation feature, “Nimuendajú: El Hombre que Encontró su Camino,” with Brazil’s Anaya Films.
Apus presents “La Orquestita,” co-produced with Barcelona-based Mago Prods., at the inaugural Co-Production and Financing Forum hosted by the Iberseries & Platino Industria TV event in Madrid (Sept.27-30).
Directed by Uruguayan Juan Carve, founder of, the kids animated series teaches kids about the mystery behind music, how it’s composed, why it move us. The 26-part, 11-minute episode series has already been sold to Argentina’s Pakapaka, TV3 Catalonia, Señal Colombia and pubcaster TVE, said Bonilla.
According to Apus Animation Studio founder and CEO Gabriel Bonilla, “Nimuendajú” will be filmed in rotoscope, a new technique for Latin America and for his traditional 2D animation studio.
“Nimuendajú” is based on the true story of ethnologist Curt Nimuendajú who lived in Brazil from 1903 until his death in 1945. The scientist lived among the indigenous tribes he studied and found himself in conflict with the “whites” who attacked, imprisoned and defamed him.
“Chek & Chan,” a finalist at the Pixelatl Ideatoon bootcamp, revolves around a motley gang of intergalactic guardians made up by know-it-all rodent Chan, intrepid alien Chek and his robot sidekick Larry as they race across the Rune galaxy to battle a polluting menace.
Apus Animation is a much-needed source of original product for the myriad platforms and networks hungry for children’s fare in the predominantly youthful region and elsewhere around the world.
In another development, Apus sold series “Papelucho” to HBO Max Latin America. Somewhat like the classic Dennis the Menace character, Papelucho is a nine-year-old who always gets into trouble with adults around him but the twist here is that he has a bigger challenge, his younger sister who’s even more of a troublemaker than he is.
Apus also has a slew of short animated films and plans to produce one animated feature a year, Bonilla told Variety.