Budapest-based animation studio Cinemon Entertainment has unveiled a teaser (below) for its upcoming animation feature “Four Souls of Coyote,” which is supported by Hungary’s National Film Institute, and is sold internationally by NFI World Sales.
The film is created and directed by Áron Gauder, whose prior work includes “The District!,” awarded Annecy’s Cristal Prize for best feature in 2005. Géza Bereményi was the co-writer.
“Four Souls of Coyote” is billed as an epic adventure tale of the Native American creation myth. Through a re-telling of the creation of the universe, the film highlights the increasingly pressing need to live in harmony with the environment, before it is too late and humankind destroys the Earth.
The project, which is aimed at a young audience, makes use of both 2D and 3D animation, paintings and drawings by Gauder. The animation director was Zsolt Baumgartner. The film’s music was selected from authentic Native American songs.
The English-language voice-cast is led by Lorne Cardinal Stewart, Diontae Black, Danny Kramer and Asha Etchison. The producer is Réka Temple.
“Four Souls of Coyote” will be released in Hungarian cinemas in March 2023 by Vertigo Média.
The project is Cinemon Entertainment’s fourth in-house feature production in the last five years.