Actor Lance Kerwin, who starred in TV series “James at 15” and as Mark Petrie, the teen who becomes a vampire hunter in Steven King mini-series “Salem’s Lot,” died Tuesday in San Clemente, Calif. He was 62. An autopsy to determine the cause of death is being conducted, according to his daughter Savanah.
Kerwin began his career as a child actor, known primarily for his roles in television and film, including after-school special “The Boy Who Drank Too Much.” “James at 15” became “James at 16” in season 2.
Throughout the 1970s, the “James at 15” actor appeared in a variety of television series and TV movies, including “Wonder Woman,” “Insight,” “Salem’s Lot,” “The Family Holvak” and “Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy.” One of his last roles was in the 1995 movie “Outbreak” and he returned to the screen last year in “The Wind and the Reckoning.”
He later became a youth pastor.
Kerwin was born on Nov. 6, 1960 in Newport Beach, Calif.
Kerwin is survived by his five children: Savanah, Fox, Terah, Kailani, and Justus.