“Back to the Future” stars Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson and Tom Wilson recently reunited to celebrate the beloved film at Fan Expo Portland, which ran from Feb. 17 to Feb. 19.
The stars shared their reunion on Instagram, with Thompson posting several photos and videos from the event.
“Wow honestly had the best time today with my [‘Back to the Future’] family…so many fun fan moments too and a llama,” the actor wrote. In the videos, the group references some of their characters’ famous lines, including Wilson saying, “Hello, anybody home?” while playfully knock on Thompson’s noggin.
Lloyd posted a photo of the four actors with the caption “Found the flux capacitor. Brought us all back to 2023 just in time,” referencing the device his character said “makes time travel possible.”
Wilson went with a selfie of the four and the simple caption “Okay, so this happened. 2023.”
Fox posted an Instagram story where he said, “I love being at these FanExpo events and seeing some of my favorite people like Lea, Tom, Chris and all you #bttf heads. Heavy.”
Premiering nearly four decades ago, the Robert Zemeckis-directed “Back to the Future” trilogy followed 17-year-old Marty McFly (Fox), who accidentally traveled 30 years backward with his friend Doc Brown’s (Lloyd) invention: a time-traveling DeLorean. The Oscar-winning movie was followed up with “Back to the Future II,” in which McFly traveled to both 2015 and 1955, and a third entry that saw McFly stranded in 1885.
Fox and Lloyd also reunited in October at New York Comic Con, where the two recounted their first meeting and earned a warm reception from the crowd.