“The Boys” are back in town — and this time on campus. In Amazon’s new drama “Gen V,” a spinoff of its popular R-rated superhero series, we follow a new crop of humans with superhuman abilities. The show is set at Godolkin University, a college run by supe corporation Vought, the company that runs the superhero industry and boasts The Seven, featured in “The Boys,” as its team.
At Godolkin, the admitted gifted and talented students have the option of taking the fame and fortune track, or going into the school of crime fighting. With a new class in session upon Friday’s launch, here’s a quick rundown of the characters — and cast members who play them — at the center of “Gen V.”
Marie Moreau (Jaz Sinclair)
“Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” actor Jaz Sinclair plays Marie Moreau, the 18-year-old girl protagonist of this “Boys” story. Marie is a superhero with the ability to control and weaponize her own blood. She is accepted into Vought’s Godolkin University as a freshman and dead set on becoming a member of The Seven upon graduation.
Andre Anderson (Chance Perdomo)
Fellow “Sabrina” alum Chance Perdomo plays Andre Anderson, a junior at Godolkin University with the same magnetic powers as his famous father, the supe Polarity. He is the best friend of Luke Riordan a.k.a. Godolkin’s Golden Boy. He is on track to take over the Polarity name once his dad retires.
Emma Meyer/Little Cricket (Lizze Broadway)
Lizze Broadway plays Emma Meyer, an incoming Godolkin University freshman who goes by the superhero name Little Cricket. Emma’s power is the ability to shrink down to a super small size. She is assigned as Marie’s roommate at Godolkin.
Dean Indira Shetty (Shelley Conn)
Shelley Conn plays Godolkin University dean Indira Shetty. Shetty is a civilian without supe powers, but has a background in superhero pscyhology that led her to run Vought’s college. She takes a special interest in Marie when she arrives on campus.
Luke Riordan/Golden Boy (Patrick Schwarzenegger)
Patrick Schwarzenegger plays Luke Riordan a.k.a Golden Boy, his supe name is due to his ability to light his entire body on fire. A senior at Godolkin University and the top-ranked student at the superhero college, he is being eyed as the first pick in the draft for The Seven upon graduation. He is dating Godolkin student Cate Dunlap.
Cate Dunlap (Maddie Phillips)
Maddie Phillips plays Cate Dunlap, a junior at Godolkin University who has the super power to push people to do anything she commands when she puts her hands on them. Cate is dating Luke Riordan a.k.a. Golden Boy, the top-ranked supe on campus. She is good friends with Jordan and Andre.
Jordan Li (London Thor and Derek Luh)
London Thor and Derek Luh share the role of Jordan Li, a top-ranked student at Godolkin University who has the unique ability of changing between male and female forms, through which different powers manifest. While the male form, played by Luh, is dense and indestructible, the woman, played by Thor, is agile and can launch energy blasts. Jordan’s distinct sets of powers make them a standout TA at Brink’s School of Crime Fighting. Jordan is good friends with Luke (Golden Boy), Cate and Andre.
Sam (Asa Germann)
Asa Germann plays the mysterious Sam, a troubled supe who suffers from hallucinations and is trying to escape from nefarious circumstances. He is a very powerful supe that has both super strength and invulnerability.
Polarity (Sean Patrick Thomas)
Sean Patrick Thomas plays Polarity, an alumnus and trustee of Godolkin University. He is Andre’s father and has high expectations for his son to follow in his footsteps by taking over the Polarity name when he retires and joining The Seven.
Professor Rich ‘Brink’ Brinkerhoff (Clancy Brown)
Clancy Brown plays Professor Rich “Brink” Brinkerhoff, a renowned professor of crime fighting at Godolkin University who taught superheroes such as The Seven’s A-Train, Queen Maeve and The Deep. He is backing Luke/Golden Boy to become the next member of The Seven upon graduation. Brink has Jordan serve as his TA.