Around 20 years ago, a strapping group of school friends calling themselves the Strokes were honing their sound in New York City rehearsal room. Late the following year their residency at the Mercury Lounge caught the attention of the music press, which then started looking around at the other artists on the vibrant local scene of the time, and within a few months the New York City rock scene — led by the Strokes and also including the Yeah Yeah Yeah, Interpol, LCD Soundsystem and others — was a global phenomenon, and the Strokes’ 2001 debut album, “Is This It?,” released just two weeks after 9/11, made them into superstars.
It was one of the last galvanizing music scenes centered around rock music, and like the others, it didn’t last more than a couple of years. And while the Strokes have had plenty of ups and downs over the past two decades, they’re still at it — often sidebar-ing into solo projects but coming back together every couple of years. In 2016 They released an EP called “Future Present Past,” and last night, during a benefit at the Wiltern in Los Angeles, they played a new song called “The Adults Are Talking” that sounds more than a little like something from “Is This It?” Watch the band’s performance below.