Apple said it will also be contributing to the development costs and working closely with creators to bring the games to life. The service will feature games from Annapurna Interactive, Bossa Studios, Cartoon Network, Finji, Giant Squid, Klei Entertainment, Konami, LEGO, Mistwalker Corporation, SEGA, Snowman, ustwo games and dozens more.
Apple has already announced a handful of games coming to the service Monday including “Beyond a Steel Sky,” “Where Cards Fall,” “FANTASIAN,” “Lifelike,” “Overland”, “Little Orpheus,” “The Artful Escape,” “The Pathless,” “ATONE: Heart of the Elder Tree,” “LEGO Brawls,” “Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm,” “Sonic Racing,”“Box Project,” “Frogger in Toy Town,” “Projection: First Light,” “Mr. Turtle,” “Enter The Construct,” “Sayonara Wild Hearts,” and “Hot Lava.”