Nickelodeon has named veteran producer Ramsey Naito executive VP of animation production and development. In her new role, Naito will oversee the network’s animation content across all formats and platforms, including digital, TV, and film. She will report to Nickelodeon president Brian Robbins and be based in Nickelodeon’s Burbank studio.
“Ramsey is a proven hit-maker and creative leader who has helped bring to life some incredibly imaginative characters for audiences of all ages,” said Robbins. “One of our goals is to exponentially grow our animation business and output on every platform, and I have no doubt that Ramsey will help us get there through a new generation of innovative, creator-driven content.”
Naito will also manage the day-to-day operations of Nickelodeon’s animation group, identifying new talent and projects to further enrich Nick’s content pipeline. She will oversee key animated franchises for the network, including “SpongeBob SquarePants,” “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “The Loud House.”
Naito oversaw production on Paramount Pictures’ upcoming SpongeBob SquarePants feature, which is scheduled for release in 2020. She also produced DreamWorks Animation’s Oscar-nominated feature “The Boss Baby,” which earned her a PGA nomination for outstanding producer of animated theatrical motion pictures. Ramsey previously worked as a producer for Blue Sky Studios, at Cartoon Network as head of movies and at Nickelodeon Movies as VP of development production.