Rising Dutch helmer Anton van der Linden, whose show “Marvin?” just world premiered at SXSW, is set to direct “Everygay Life,” a high-concept queer comedy series. Amsterdam-based production banner Explorers of the Unfound is developing the show.
The series will revolve around two queer married couples, David and Miles, and Kate and Emma, who are raising children and juggling work responsibilities while navigating society’s preconceptions — often leading to tragicomic situations.
“Growing up as gay in a tiny town in the north of the Netherlands you had two choices, you either become invisible or you become invincible,” said van der Linden.
“Nowadays, young people seem more empowered than ever and choose the later, mainly because of the awareness and the representation out there,” says the helmer, adding that “it’s not enough,” because “tolerance is sliding backwards and hate crimes are on the rise.”
The Dutch filmmaker also pointed that “gay rights are still under attack all over the world, drag shows becoming illegal, the ‘don’t say gay’ movement, attacks on transgender people, are among the many things happening.”
“Everygay Life” is part of the director’s efforts to “break down barriers,” and “letting (LGBTQ+) voices be heard, for better understanding, empathy, and unity through diversity.”
Van der Linden and his partner George Anthony Gottl recently co-founded Explorers of the Unfound with the aim of telling more inclusive and diverse stories, as well as ramping up the representation of the LGBTQ+ community. The banner just presented the pilot of its first production “Marvin?” at SXSW.